Supporting you on your journey ahead with cTTP

A man riding a red bicycle and wearing a blue top looking at a woman wearing a yellow jacket. She has a white headband and is smiling at the man on the bike.

Did you know that cTTP... one form of a condition called TTP1 TTP
…occurs when there is a deficiency of a specific enzyme called ADAMTS13?1,2 ADAMTS13
…affects around 0.5 to 2 persons per million worldwide?1,2
…diagnosis can be delayed by up to almost 4 years in some cases?3

The information provided on this website is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any concerns or questions you may have regarding your medical condition or treatment.


  1. Sukumar S, et al. J Clin Med. 2021;10:536. 
  2. Tarasco E, et al. Blood. 2021;137(25):3563​​–3575. 
  3. Alwan F, et al. Blood. 2019;133(15):1644–1651.